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ProjeCt NO!
Welcome to our website 


Promoted by Parish Council of Benfica and supported by EEA Grants, the Project No! is a primary prevention project and support strategies for children and young people in the area of ​​violence against women and domestic violence (VAWDV), using the training of technicians, children and young people as a resource, based on programs that train and develop interpersonal skills free of stereotypes and a culture of non-violence.

It is a Small Grant Scheme#2 project - Prevention projects for children and young people and promoting non-violent masculinities.

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€ 86.161

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€ 57.145

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Find out about the events related to each activity by clicking on the respective number.

Image by Ralph Hutter
Image by Ricardo Lopez



Create and dynamize 

the Commission for 

VAWDV prevention

Development of a local plan for the prevention of VAWDV

Image by Toa Heftiba
Image by Natasha



Qualification action for

local institutions' agents/staff

Qualification action for

police officers

Image by Adrian Curiel
Image by Mike Flamenco



VAWDV prevention program

in schools - youth/teenagers

VAWDV prevention program

in schools - young people in

vulnerable context(s)

Image by Simon Harmer
Image by JuniperPhoton



Awareness campaign

on social media -

promoter and partners

Communication -

streamline awareness

campaigns on the subject

Image by Tony Hand
Image by Kelly Sikkema



Qualification action

for teachers

Qualification action

for non-teaching staff

Image by Markus Spiske
Image by Mediocre Studio




Annual contest

VAWDV prevention program

in schools - children

Image by Markus Spiske
Image by Thor Alvis



VAWDV prevention program

in schools - video production

Mupis and murals

campaign on culture

of non-violence

Image by Arno Senoner
Image by Michael Jasmund



Intervention with


Adaptation and printing of a manual for staff/teams



Project NO! was launched with an open to the community webinar, on domestic violence and violence against women.

In order to reflect on the complexity of domestic violence, speakers from different areas of intervention were invited.


To mark the Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Parish Council of Benfica and Project NO! joined the Blue Ribbon Campaign, promoted by the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People.


The Project NO! promoted, at the School Group of Benfica, an awareness session. The concepts of domestic violence and violence against women were presented and 10th grade students were heard on these issues.

Equal Sport
for all

The National Korfball Champions are the new ambassadors of the programme, as it is a mixed sport, whose team is obligatorily made up of boys and girls in equal numbers, and in which everyone has a preponderant role in the game.

violence against

Project NO! carried out an awareness-raising action at School Group of Benfica, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.


Project NO!, together with the Youth Department of the Parish Council of Benfica, celebrated Valentine's Day with an awareness-raising campaign on the prevention of dating violence at the School Group of Benfica, with 10th grade students.

« Abusive relationship »

Project NO!

was present at

the premiere of the

play "Relação Abusiva" ("Abusive relationship") 

by Luciane Balbino,

at the Carlos Paredes auditorium.

dia da criança

Project NO!

was in kindergartens

and primary schools

from School Group Quinta de Marrocos and School Group of Benfica, handing out bookmarkers

alluding to children's rights.


Assinalámos o dia internacional pela eliminação da violência contra as mulheres na ESGJF. Na atividade de rua que dinamizámos, recolhemos a opinião dos alunos acerca das relações de namoro.

Equal Sport
for all

Inauguration of the Calhariz playground with the motto of Gender Equality, with artists Edis One and Pariz One, who joined Project NO!, and renovated the space, naming the work “Cara ou Coroa”

("Heads or Tails").

dating violence (DV)

Project NO!

promoted an

awareness session on violence against women, domestic violence and dating violence at the School Group of Benfica, attended by 10th and 12th grades students.

International Women's

Formalization of the Interinstitutional Commission for the prevention of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.


Ricardo Marques, JFB - Diário notícias

The designation in English was not chosen at random. It's called "NO!" for what, in a simple way, the whole community realizes that the will of the human being is a universal right and that "NO" is not said so differently in different languages.



Police officer João Jardim (...) underlines the fact that more and more cases are being registered, namely of dating violence. With young people getting younger. The positive side, “so to speak”, is that victims are more alert, report abuse more and ask for help sooner.



“Project NO! bets on re-education and training, through awareness-raising actions, lectures or support for victims. And it integrates the objective of making Benfica an increasingly inclusive parish, where people feel and are treated equally"



Segundo Mural Urbano - Project No!

Segundo Mural Urbano - Project No!

No âmbito do Projeto NO!, estes são os três murais urbanos criados por diferentes artistas plásticas que aceitaram o convite de transmitir a mensagem e valores do projeto, a promoção da igualdade de género e eliminação da violência contra as mulheres, através das suas obras de arte. Os artistas Mihaela Popa e Paulo Cardoso, criaram o primeiro mural, situado no bairro do Calhariz, e optaram por pintar o rosto de uma mulher a chorar, porém utilizaram cores claras espelhando uma ideia de esperança. O segundo mural é o da artista Vanessa Teodoro, que utilizou os seus conhecidos grafismos, concedendo-lhes desta vez cores mais claras e uma linguagem mais abstrata para que todas as pessoas conseguissem ter a sua própria interpretação. O último mural, da autoria da artista Mariana Duarte Santos, remete para a pintura de uma fotografia do Segundo Congresso Nacional das Mulheres Portuguesas, onde estão presentes todas as mulheres que lutaram pelo direito do voto em Portugal. Convidamo-lo a vir conhecer estes murais espalhados pela freguesia e a saber mais sobre o Projeto NO! *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* As part of the NO! Project, these are the three urban murals created by different artists who accepted the invitation to convey the project's message and values, the promotion of gender equality and the elimination of violence against women, through their works of art. The artists Mihaela Popa and Paulo Cardoso created the first mural, located in the Calhariz neighbourhood, and chose to paint the face of a crying woman, but used light colours to reflect an idea of hope. The second mural is by artist Vanessa Teodoro, who used her well-known graphics, this time in lighter colours and a more abstract language so that everyone could have their own interpretation. The last mural, by artist Mariana Duarte Santos, depicts a photograph of the Second National Congress of Portuguese Women, featuring all the women who fought for the right to vote in Portugal. We invite you to come and see these murals around the parish and find out more about the NO! project. #CIG #portugalmaisigual #EEAGrants #EEAGrantsPT #eeagreantsportugal #EEANorwayGrants #ConcilicaçãoIgualdadeGenero #conciliaçãoeigualdadedegenero #worklifebalance #bairrodebenfica #lisboaoriginal #projetono
Primeiro Mural Urbano - Project No!

Primeiro Mural Urbano - Project No!

No âmbito do Projeto NO!, estes são os três murais urbanos criados por diferentes artistas plásticas que aceitaram o convite de transmitir a mensagem e valores do projeto, a promoção da igualdade de género e eliminação da violência contra as mulheres, através das suas obras de arte. Os artistas Mihaela Popa e Paulo Cardoso, criaram o primeiro mural, situado no bairro do Calhariz, e optaram por pintar o rosto de uma mulher a chorar, porém utilizaram cores claras espelhando uma ideia de esperança. O segundo mural é o da artista Vanessa Teodoro, que utilizou os seus conhecidos grafismos, concedendo-lhes desta vez cores mais claras e uma linguagem mais abstrata para que todas as pessoas conseguissem ter a sua própria interpretação. O último mural, da autoria da artista Mariana Duarte Santos, remete para a pintura de uma fotografia do Segundo Congresso Nacional das Mulheres Portuguesas, onde estão presentes todas as mulheres que lutaram pelo direito do voto em Portugal. Convidamo-lo a vir conhecer estes murais espalhados pela freguesia e a saber mais sobre o Projeto NO! *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* As part of the NO! Project, these are the three urban murals created by different artists who accepted the invitation to convey the project's message and values, the promotion of gender equality and the elimination of violence against women, through their works of art. The artists Mihaela Popa and Paulo Cardoso created the first mural, located in the Calhariz neighbourhood, and chose to paint the face of a crying woman, but used light colours to reflect an idea of hope. The second mural is by artist Vanessa Teodoro, who used her well-known graphics, this time in lighter colours and a more abstract language so that everyone could have their own interpretation. The last mural, by artist Mariana Duarte Santos, depicts a photograph of the Second National Congress of Portuguese Women, featuring all the women who fought for the right to vote in Portugal. We invite you to come and see these murals around the parish and find out more about the NO! project. #CIG #portugalmaisigual #EEAGrants #EEAGrantsPT #eeagreantsportugal #EEANorwayGrants #ConcilicaçãoIgualdadeGenero #conciliaçãoeigualdadedegenero #worklifebalance #bairrodebenfica #lisboaoriginal #projetono
Terceiro Mural Urbano - Projeto NO!

Terceiro Mural Urbano - Projeto NO!

No âmbito do Projeto NO!, estes são os três murais urbanos criados por diferentes artistas plásticas que aceitaram o convite de transmitir a mensagem e valores do projeto, a promoção da igualdade de género e eliminação da violência contra as mulheres, através das suas obras de arte. Os artistas Mihaela Popa e Paulo Cardoso, criaram o primeiro mural, situado no bairro do Calhariz, e optaram por pintar o rosto de uma mulher a chorar, porém utilizaram cores claras espelhando uma ideia de esperança. O segundo mural é o da artista Vanessa Teodoro, que utilizou os seus conhecidos grafismos, concedendo-lhes desta vez cores mais claras e uma linguagem mais abstrata para que todas as pessoas conseguissem ter a sua própria interpretação. O último mural, da autoria da artista Mariana Duarte Santos, remete para a pintura de uma fotografia do Segundo Congresso Nacional das Mulheres Portuguesas, onde estão presentes todas as mulheres que lutaram pelo direito do voto em Portugal. Convidamo-lo a vir conhecer estes murais espalhados pela freguesia e a saber mais sobre o Projeto NO! *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* As part of the NO! Project, these are the three urban murals created by different artists who accepted the invitation to convey the project's message and values, the promotion of gender equality and the elimination of violence against women, through their works of art. The artists Mihaela Popa and Paulo Cardoso created the first mural, located in the Calhariz neighbourhood, and chose to paint the face of a crying woman, but used light colours to reflect an idea of hope. The second mural is by artist Vanessa Teodoro, who used her well-known graphics, this time in lighter colours and a more abstract language so that everyone could have their own interpretation. The last mural, by artist Mariana Duarte Santos, depicts a photograph of the Second National Congress of Portuguese Women, featuring all the women who fought for the right to vote in Portugal. We invite you to come and see these murals around the parish and find out more about the NO! project. #CIG #portugalmaisigual #EEAGrants #EEAGrantsPT #eeagreantsportugal #EEANorwayGrants #ConcilicaçãoIgualdadeGenero #conciliaçãoeigualdadedegenero #worklifebalance #bairrodebenfica #lisboaoriginal #projetono



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